How to save money on paying exam forms online
How to save money on paying exam forms online
save your money on next exam payments
Laptop or PC requried
works on Exams like
- IBPS PO (Probationary Officer) Exam.
- IBPS Specialist Officers Exam.
- IBPS RRB (Regional Rural Bank) PO and Assistant Exam.
- IBPS Clerk Exam.
- OR any other exams
Step - I
Complete your form completely
Step - II
then you came on payment sections
Step - III
if payment mode is from BillDesk, PayU OR any other select UPI in payment mode
Then pay with UPI
Step - IV
then you can see a barcode on right side .
Step - V (Final steps)
Then pay with Amazon or Phonepay and get assured cashback by amazon and phonepay upto 100* (depends on offers)
Check Offer of
Scan & Pay using Amazon Pay UPI
Thanks for Reading
Jai Hind